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Automated Photography
Milo Keller, Claus Gunti and Florian Amoser

Automated Photography
Milo Keller, Claus Gunti and Florian Amoser
Mörel Books and écal 


343 pages
200 X 250 mm
ISBN 9781907071881


For the past twenty years, photographers have been integrating images produced autonomously by machines into their work. We witness a paradigm shift in the process of creating photography: From photographic capture in the strict sense to appropriation, automated and computational practices, which respond to a conception of space that is less and less built on the equivalence between the human eye and the machine.

This project is in-between theoretical and applied research: while it is necessary to contextualise the changes introduced by automation into a broader history of photography and visual culture, as well as into a theoretical reflection on the automated image, it is also essential to produce a tangible and factual understanding of their technical and aesthetic challenges. By combining an analytical and theoretical approach with a reflection resulting from the practical confrontation with these technical devices, the project aims to take advantage of the crossroads of these different fields. The synthesis is based on a practical approach (by applying these technologies), an aesthetic approach (by analysing the visual qualities of these devices and their creative potential) and a theoretical approach (by placing the practical results in a cultural, social and political context).

About the Editors
Milo Keller (b. 1979), photographer and professor, is known for his photography works in the field of architecture and design.

Claus Gunti is an art historian, lecturer at the University of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL) and coordinator at the Centre de la photographie Genève.

Florian Amoser is an architectural photographer based in Switzerland.

About the Publisher
Mörel Books
are a non-profit publisher specialising in limited edition Photo and Art Books.

écal is a gallery and publisher of art and design books based in the École cantonale d’art de Lausanne.

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