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Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen

Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen, Laughter

LaughterDitte Lyngkær Pedersen, Laughter
Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen
Galleri Image

Essay by An Paenhuysen


97 pages
200 x 150 mm
ISBN 9788799284016


Laughter is based on an old photograph entitled “Laughter – Rooftop of Tobu building in Tokyo, 1956” that the photographer found in a friend’s photo album in Tokyo in 2009. The project investigates what was so funny at the moment of the capture. No one in the picture remembers and the photographer (Kenji Oomori) does not want to speak about the past. The book consists of a conversation based on a series of letters between Yoshiko and Ditte from 2010-2014, that tells a contemporary life story from an earthquake afflicted Japan in the perspective of an 80 years old woman. During the years of the letters exchange, Ditte re-enacted the photo 22 times with different groups she belongs to around the world such as friends, colleagues, students and family.

About the Artist
Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen (born in 1977) is an artist, currently living and working in Aarhus, Denmark. She holds an MFA in Visual Art from Malmö Art Academy, Sweden, 2004. Through a range of media, such as video, text, photography, drawing, and object-based installations, Lyngkær Pedersen examines the various ways in which we understand our identity and make sense of our surroundings. Her practice often revisits themes from science and theories of perception. Lyngkær Pedersen has taken part in several international residency programmes and exhibitions. She has furthermore been engaged in a number of long-term collectives and curatorial projects, including The Production Unit, HOMEWORK and the exhibition space rum46 in Aarhus.

About the Publisher
Galleri Image was founded in 1977 as the first gallery for photography in Scandinavia and for many years it was the only one of its kind in Denmark. During the years, it has gained international acknowledgement  for their exhibitions and Galleri Image has contributed significantly to the recognition of photography as an independent art form within visual culture.

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